Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Someday No One Will Even Notice


So I know I haven't done anything on here for awhile. And for that, a thousand apologies. But I also have a good internet gem today.

Now you may have heard about the Cheerios commercial that's, sadly, causing people to get all up in arms.  The commercial features a little girl asking her mom if Cheerios are good for the heart. Her mom tells her yes, then explains the benefits to the heart. The little girl then takes the box and walks away. Cut to the dad waking up from his nap on the couch with Cheerios all over his chest.

Super cute, right?

Then what's the fuss all about, you ask?

That little girl's mom is white and her dad is black.


In the year 2013, this is causing people to spit out words of fire all over the internet. Most of them about the little girl herself!

So there was a video recently made by a team called The Fine Brothers, documenting the reaction to the commercial from kids varying in age (about ages 6 to 15). They show the video to the kids and say, "What'd you think?" then explain that people have been angry about the commercial. Which leads to their confusion...

This video warmed my heart. Racism and hatred is a taught mindset. No child is born hateful. I'm not sure everyone gets that.

Robocop and I are a mixed race couple. I happen to think our future mixed babies will be the cutest things to set foot on this planet! The thought that someone could think otherwise about them (names are tentatively Hello Kitty and Mega Man) makes me Hulk rage. I'm thrilled that they will experience two cultures (make that three, since they'll be raised here with both our cultures of heritage, obviously) and that they could potentially speak three languages (if we work hard at it). I feel that gives them a leg up. And then, where their times come, I'm going to love anyone who loves them as much as Robocop and I love each other.

Anyway. That ended on a super cheesy note so....

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