Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What's more ridiculous than children?


They are Masters of the Ridiculous.

I was never around kids much growing up, but Robocop had one niece when we started dating and now that's up to three nieces and then a baby nephew and baby niece now in my family. So kids are something I'm getting much more comfortable with as days go by.

But there's one thing about kids that's both amazing and sometimes terrifying. Their lack of ability to lie, or at least keep their tiny mouths closed about something that anyone with manners would politely ignore.

Robocop's tiniest niece once tried to color a zit on my chin with a purple marker. Once I stopped her from that, she just stared at it for a full hour. YEA YEA YEA. THIS IS YOU ONE DAY.

Anyways. Like I mentioned last week, BuzzFeed is a phenomenal way to waste time. It's like a rabbit hole of all things amazing. Similar to Amazon, they constantly have "If you liked this, then you'll love THIS!" at the bottom of everything they post. Maybe I'm not mysterious enough, but they're usually right.

Today was 26 Kids Who Are Definitely Going Places

This shows the many facets of children's personality traits. The Creep. The Low Aiming Dreamer. The Laugh Riot.

It's just about everything I look for in a list relating to children! Suddenly, I'm the deep belly laugher at their desk who keeps clearing their throat in hopes of killing the case of the giggles I've instantly developed.

I quickly scrolled through (to see if this was worth my VERY valuable and short time) and found a gem like this:

I never want to NOT be reading this list!

Make sure you're in a spot where releasing a loud snort is acceptable, because this one is too good to be true.

Monday, June 24, 2013

What? Wait....WHAT!!

So no updates over the weekend, because I really just don't get around to Internetting over the weekend. I suppose that's good though. Just don't tell the World Wide Wow that I'm just too busy for it sometimes. It's so sensitive.

I worked out. I partied hardy. And then I slept. A lot. It was glorious. A weekend fit for a king! I even bought Oreos because I think I'm a special girl.

Anyways. Log into work today and the first thing I get is from fellow employee, B-Hurlz.

And it's this. THIS!!!

What's that, PC? Is that...a....flying...



Happy Monday, ladies and gentlemen!

The most unnecessary of God's creations ever!!!!! Snakes are terrible in general, let's just be open and honest with one another about that. The idea of stepping on one? Terrible. But the idea of one flying straight towards you and possibly getting tangled in your hair?! (#curlyhairedproblems) That's the thing of nightmares.

The only thing I could imagine to be worse is a flesh eating puppy. "Hey there, little guy! Snuggle, snuggle! CHOMP!" Nope.

If you could engineer the scariest creature on the planet, what would it be?

Friday, June 21, 2013

My eyes are leaking.

So one of the main sites I peruse daily, if not hourly, is BuzzFeed . It's got a ton of lists, videos, and articles with a variety of "themes", such as "OMG", "WTF", "LOL", and my personal favorite? "Cute"

They recently posted this video of a retiring school principal being surprised by his students on his last day of school:

I made the awful mistake of watching this at my desk. "This is great! Why would it be awful to watch at work?!" you're probably asking.

It's because I am a cry machine. I cry...for everything. I'm pretty sure I had tears reading the title. Typical me.

This video really tugged at my heart strings, because you hear so many stories of just jerky kids who don't care about anyone but themselves or their iPhones, let alone their teachers and school administration. But these were kids who cared about Roger Boddie, their principal. A man who obviously made an impression on them that they'll hopefully hold onto for a long time.

I can't really recall a teacher or school principal who has done that for me. I like to think I was always pretty respectful of authority growing up, and even so now. (Ask anyone. I love rules and hate breaking them/watching other people break them. They're there for a reason! To either keep you alive, safe, or out of jail!) But I don't think I have anyone I'd look back on and say, "I would totally organize a flash mob for that person".

Maybe for Robocop. He deserves a good flashmob.

How about you? Any teacher or faculty member ever make you want to rally 100 of your closest friends and choreograph a dance to say thanks?

If your story makes me cry, you get absolutely nothing. A light breeze makes me cry. Because nature is just so gosh dang beautiful :'-(

Roll Call!

So yesterday I promised to let you in on the little secret of "Who is PC?"

PC is Personal Creativity.
PC is Predatory Circus. (Yeesh.)
PC is Pig Cellphone.

But most importantly, PC is me. Your friendly neighborhood 27 year old "professional" and newlywed living right outside our nation's capital. And also living outside of her parents' home for the first time EVER. This calls for misadventures and surely some calamity.

I haven't traveled to far off exotic lands. I definitely can't take great photos. And I most certainly can NOT give mommy tips and tricks.

But you know what? I look good (dare I say, really good?) in about 98% of colors I wear. I have a great appreciation for good story-telling and funny one liners. Oh. And this is what my computer dock at work looks like:

As I explained in my first post, I created this as a spot to share things I'd share with you if we were sitting on G-Chat between the hours of 9am and 5pm on any given week day. So when I see something interesting, hilarious, or heart-felt, this will be my first stop. Talk to ya never, real life friends! Read my blog! Tell your friends!

Let's start off by introducing the "cast". For now, I'll introduce you to the people I will be talking about or referencing the most. When more people are introduced, I'll add clever nicknames for them too. This is to prevent you from finding them and, in turn, stealing their identities. I watch TV. I know what happens.

Robocop: My husband and partner in crime. We've been married for...three weeks today, but have been together four years. We only lived together for one week before our wedding, so this has led to a lot of hilarious scenarios. Like him finding hair in his sink and me being horrifically offended by the accusation of it being mine. Did I mention he's completely bald?

Benson: My babiest of brothers and also one of the best friends I've ever had. We have the same sense of humor and find annoyance in all the same things. Pretty sure that's all you need. He's taking off on a new adventure across the country in the upcoming weeks, so he will no longer be coming over for dinner a few times a week, nor will he be cursing at our embarrassingly large TV when he's losing at FIFA '13. Bummer.

BoBo: My dad. The man is hilarious and borderline paranoid about something happening to any of his children. Super sweet. But also has made me terrified OF EVERYTHING.

Loren: My mom. Being hit with a severe case of empty nest syndrome all at once. She's the cutest person on earth.

Zangief: My big brother. Smartest person I know. Yet can't quite get shoe tying down. It's tough, but the little guy will get it one day! A huge source of a lot of ridiculous Internet GIF's I receive daily.

So those are the mainstays. Like I said, others will pop up but that's all for now. It's about 1:50pm on a Friday. So, naturally, I stopped working 2 hours ago. Stay tuned for an entry with Internet goodies!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Here I am!....I'M HEEEERE!

Recently, while chomping down on Mexican food with my husband, brother, and one of husband's best friends, I vocalized my frustrations with not having enough social media outlets to share all the ridiculous smiling dog pictures and kids falling off trampoline GIF's. Sure, I can send them to my friends on G-Chat...and to my friends on our inter-office IM...and maybe I'll post a video here and there on Facebook....but it's not enough!

What it boils down to, is if you're the girl who posts 50 videos a day (like I really want to), then you're now the girl getting blocked off news feeds while people wonder how you weren't fired from your job already. Or if you even HAVE a job.

So my brother, Benson, suggested "Why not make a blog where you can put all this stuff?" He's always full of phenomenal/outlandish ideas, but this one was the former. "Collect all the stuff you wanna send out and just keep it in one acceptable spot." So here it is! The ACCEPTABLE SPOT!

I'll post things like:




And as bonuses?? Things like this:

Coworker 11:50 AM
Knock Knock 
Me 11:50 AM
Coworker 11:50 AM
Me 11:50 AM
Don't come at me with knock, knock jokes, son.
This blog will be a mixing bowl for videos, pictures, "top" lists, and articles. Some funny (I love to laugh). Some serious (I love to think). And some will be posted with the sole purpose of making you crack that stoney heart of yours and shed some of those long-time, held back tears.
You'll feel better afterwards. I promise.

Then, because I love feelings and especially talking about them (probably the thing my husband, Robocop, loves most about me), I'll discuss thoughts and feelings on what I post. I promise it'll be more substantial than five exclamation points following a picture, although that's actually exactly how I feel in my bones.
Next time: I'll introduce myself a little more and let you in on what makes PC...PC. I mean, besides my birth name.