Friday, June 21, 2013

Roll Call!

So yesterday I promised to let you in on the little secret of "Who is PC?"

PC is Personal Creativity.
PC is Predatory Circus. (Yeesh.)
PC is Pig Cellphone.

But most importantly, PC is me. Your friendly neighborhood 27 year old "professional" and newlywed living right outside our nation's capital. And also living outside of her parents' home for the first time EVER. This calls for misadventures and surely some calamity.

I haven't traveled to far off exotic lands. I definitely can't take great photos. And I most certainly can NOT give mommy tips and tricks.

But you know what? I look good (dare I say, really good?) in about 98% of colors I wear. I have a great appreciation for good story-telling and funny one liners. Oh. And this is what my computer dock at work looks like:

As I explained in my first post, I created this as a spot to share things I'd share with you if we were sitting on G-Chat between the hours of 9am and 5pm on any given week day. So when I see something interesting, hilarious, or heart-felt, this will be my first stop. Talk to ya never, real life friends! Read my blog! Tell your friends!

Let's start off by introducing the "cast". For now, I'll introduce you to the people I will be talking about or referencing the most. When more people are introduced, I'll add clever nicknames for them too. This is to prevent you from finding them and, in turn, stealing their identities. I watch TV. I know what happens.

Robocop: My husband and partner in crime. We've been married for...three weeks today, but have been together four years. We only lived together for one week before our wedding, so this has led to a lot of hilarious scenarios. Like him finding hair in his sink and me being horrifically offended by the accusation of it being mine. Did I mention he's completely bald?

Benson: My babiest of brothers and also one of the best friends I've ever had. We have the same sense of humor and find annoyance in all the same things. Pretty sure that's all you need. He's taking off on a new adventure across the country in the upcoming weeks, so he will no longer be coming over for dinner a few times a week, nor will he be cursing at our embarrassingly large TV when he's losing at FIFA '13. Bummer.

BoBo: My dad. The man is hilarious and borderline paranoid about something happening to any of his children. Super sweet. But also has made me terrified OF EVERYTHING.

Loren: My mom. Being hit with a severe case of empty nest syndrome all at once. She's the cutest person on earth.

Zangief: My big brother. Smartest person I know. Yet can't quite get shoe tying down. It's tough, but the little guy will get it one day! A huge source of a lot of ridiculous Internet GIF's I receive daily.

So those are the mainstays. Like I said, others will pop up but that's all for now. It's about 1:50pm on a Friday. So, naturally, I stopped working 2 hours ago. Stay tuned for an entry with Internet goodies!

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