Thursday, June 20, 2013

Here I am!....I'M HEEEERE!

Recently, while chomping down on Mexican food with my husband, brother, and one of husband's best friends, I vocalized my frustrations with not having enough social media outlets to share all the ridiculous smiling dog pictures and kids falling off trampoline GIF's. Sure, I can send them to my friends on G-Chat...and to my friends on our inter-office IM...and maybe I'll post a video here and there on Facebook....but it's not enough!

What it boils down to, is if you're the girl who posts 50 videos a day (like I really want to), then you're now the girl getting blocked off news feeds while people wonder how you weren't fired from your job already. Or if you even HAVE a job.

So my brother, Benson, suggested "Why not make a blog where you can put all this stuff?" He's always full of phenomenal/outlandish ideas, but this one was the former. "Collect all the stuff you wanna send out and just keep it in one acceptable spot." So here it is! The ACCEPTABLE SPOT!

I'll post things like:




And as bonuses?? Things like this:

Coworker 11:50 AM
Knock Knock 
Me 11:50 AM
Coworker 11:50 AM
Me 11:50 AM
Don't come at me with knock, knock jokes, son.
This blog will be a mixing bowl for videos, pictures, "top" lists, and articles. Some funny (I love to laugh). Some serious (I love to think). And some will be posted with the sole purpose of making you crack that stoney heart of yours and shed some of those long-time, held back tears.
You'll feel better afterwards. I promise.

Then, because I love feelings and especially talking about them (probably the thing my husband, Robocop, loves most about me), I'll discuss thoughts and feelings on what I post. I promise it'll be more substantial than five exclamation points following a picture, although that's actually exactly how I feel in my bones.
Next time: I'll introduce myself a little more and let you in on what makes PC...PC. I mean, besides my birth name.


  1. Benson seems like a righteous dude. WIsh he was single and not in a serious long-term relationship LOL (Are inside jokes with PC acceptable as comments? I know you don't want people to feel excluded.)

  2. I can't wait to hear more about that lovable cousin of yours! Just kidding. It's me. I can't wait to send you all my favorite baby animal pictures. Finally, a hub for cute, silly, daring (just kidding) and lovable!
