Friday, June 21, 2013

My eyes are leaking.

So one of the main sites I peruse daily, if not hourly, is BuzzFeed . It's got a ton of lists, videos, and articles with a variety of "themes", such as "OMG", "WTF", "LOL", and my personal favorite? "Cute"

They recently posted this video of a retiring school principal being surprised by his students on his last day of school:

I made the awful mistake of watching this at my desk. "This is great! Why would it be awful to watch at work?!" you're probably asking.

It's because I am a cry machine. I cry...for everything. I'm pretty sure I had tears reading the title. Typical me.

This video really tugged at my heart strings, because you hear so many stories of just jerky kids who don't care about anyone but themselves or their iPhones, let alone their teachers and school administration. But these were kids who cared about Roger Boddie, their principal. A man who obviously made an impression on them that they'll hopefully hold onto for a long time.

I can't really recall a teacher or school principal who has done that for me. I like to think I was always pretty respectful of authority growing up, and even so now. (Ask anyone. I love rules and hate breaking them/watching other people break them. They're there for a reason! To either keep you alive, safe, or out of jail!) But I don't think I have anyone I'd look back on and say, "I would totally organize a flash mob for that person".

Maybe for Robocop. He deserves a good flashmob.

How about you? Any teacher or faculty member ever make you want to rally 100 of your closest friends and choreograph a dance to say thanks?

If your story makes me cry, you get absolutely nothing. A light breeze makes me cry. Because nature is just so gosh dang beautiful :'-(


  1. I once organized a flash mob for my high school principal on my last day of school. Unfortunately I was the only one who took part so it it was just me in his office dancing to Boyz II Men's 'End of the Road.' It was kinda weird.

  2. So basically you're saying that you want to organize a flash mob FOR NATURE?

    If so... I'm in.
